More and more men are forced to face the concern of how to regain their sex life after prostate surgery.


Erectile dysfunction is a very common side effect after this intervention, but prostate surgery and erection do not have to be antonyms forever. In fact, it is possible to regain penile functionality by following the right treatment!


Is it possible to have an erection after prostate surgery?


There are many men who wonder “if I have prostate surgery, do I lose my erection?“. The problem is that before health problems such as prostate cancer, it is time to move from doubts to action, we must start directly by finding out how to have an erection after prostate surgery!


Yes, sometimes the nerves and blood vessels involved in the penile erection process can be damaged during the procedure, but it is possible to overcome impotence after prostate surgery and regain erectile function. The key is postoperative rehabilitation and finding the most appropriate treatment for each patient.


Full recovery requires effort and perseverance, but yes, after prostate surgery it is possible to have sexual intercourse and enjoy it as before!


Erectile Dysfunction after Prostate Surgery


Erectile dysfunction can occur if the nerves and blood vessels that make erection possible are damaged, something that can be confirmed by performing a penile Doppler ultrasound. However, this, which until just a few years ago may have seemed definitive, can now be reversible.


Using a post-surgical penis extender or resorting to natural supplements specially formulated to meet this objective is the best way to say goodbye forever to these side effects of prostate surgery that can affect the neurovascular bandelettes, which are key to achieving and maintaining an erection.


Which prostate operations can cause impotence?


It is possible to lose an erection after prostate surgery, but it is also important to know that some operations are more likely to cause this setback and it is therefore important to start looking for solutions even before undergoing them.


Transurethral resection of the prostate


Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) involves removing part of the prostate tissue that blocks the flow of urine through the urethra. It is a common procedure to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, and can cause erectile dysfunction due to potential damage to the nerves and blood vessels near the prostate. The likelihood of experiencing erectile dysfunction varies, but is generally less than with other types of prostate surgery.


Laser Prostate Surgery


Laser prostate surgery uses this type of energy to remove obstructing prostate tissue. It is a less invasive technique than TURP, and generally has a lower risk of erectile dysfunction.


Still, it exists because of the possibility that nerves and blood vessels may be affected during this prostate surgery.

Urethral Release Prostate Surgery


Urethral release, also known as urolift, is performed by inserting small implants that separate the prostate tissue to relieve urinary obstruction. It has a low risk of causing impotence or urinary incontinence, as it does not involve resection of prostate tissue or damage to surrounding nerves.


Prostate cancer surgery with the Da Vinci robot

Robotic surgery with the Da Vinci system is a technique for performing radical prostatectomy or radical prostate surgery that is used mainly in the treatment of prostate cancer. This robotic assistant allows greater precision and preservation of the nerves that control erection. In other words, it is possible to have an erection without a prostate.


Side effects of prostate surgery


Prostate surgery does not always affect the erection, but it can have several side effects that negatively alter the man’s quality of life.

  • Urinary incontinence.
    • Erectile dysfunction.
    • Reduction of penile length.
  • Retrograde ejaculation.
  • Changes in the sensation of orgasm.


How to have an erection after prostate surgery?

The use of devices such as Androsurgery, and supplements such as those from Andropharma, can be very beneficial, since a prostate operated person can have sexual intercourse if he uses them.


  • Androsurgery is a surgical penis extender that helps to maintain the length of the penis after prostate surgery and to improve blood circulation inside the tissues, which facilitates the recovery of erectile function.
  • Andropharma’s natural supplements are formulated with natural ingredients that strengthen male sexual health.


What techniques can I apply to treat erectile dysfunction after prostatectomy?


There are different methods so that prostate surgery and erection are not a problem after prostate surgery, and these are the main ones:


  • Treatments with certain medications.
  • Use of Androsurgery and vacuum devices, which help to achieve and maintain erection through suction.


However, medication against erectile dysfunction can affect many other aspects of the daily life of the man who suffers from it, so it is always preferable to opt for solutions that do not involve having to take it!


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