What is it, what are the symptoms and what is the best treatment for Peyronie’s disease? From Andromedical we propose you the best exercises for Peyronie’s disease, effective solutions even in the acute phase.

How is Peyronie’s disease cured?

Peyronie’s disease is a condition that causes fibrous scar tissue to form in the deep tissues of the skin of the penis, causing curved and painful erections and even the penis to shorten when erection occurs. Its main symptoms are:

  • Scar tissue (plaque) under the penile skin.
  • Curvature of the penis.
  • Erection problems (erectile dysfunction).
  • Shortening of the penis during erection.
  • Pain in the penis (even without erection).
  • Changes in the appearance of the penis.

If you detect these symptoms, it is essential that you consult your doctor, as early treatment can prevent the condition from worsening and give you the opportunity to get better. How is Peyronie’s disease cured?

There are no drugs to treat this problem, so the best treatment is surgical. However, after surgery (corporoplasty) and recovery (or even to avoid the operating room), exercises can be done to improve Peyronie’s, as they effectively reduce pain and improve the patient’s quality of life.

Recommended exercises for people with Peyronie’s disease

There are several exercises for Peyronie’s disease recommended for patients facing this problem. Check them out below:

Gentle stretches

One of the main exercises for Peyronie’s disease is gentle stretching of the penis, which helps to increase flexibility and reduce curvature.

The exercise consists of carefully grasping the base of the penis with one hand and, with the other, gently pulling in the opposite direction of the curvature. You should hold the stretched position for about 30 seconds and then release. It is advisable to repeat the exercise several times a day for effective results.


Another of the most effective exercises for Peyronie’s disease is to regularly massage the penis, as this can break up scar tissue and improve blood circulation. How to do it correctly? 

Use your fingers to gently massage the affected area, using circular motions for several minutes a day. It is important that you apply firm pressure without causing pain.

Manual remodeling

Manual remodeling is a technique of gentle manipulation of the penis that stretches it in the opposite direction of the curvature. It is usually recommended as a complementary exercise to the application of CCH injections and in conjunction with traction therapy to be really effective.

This exercise consists of bending and straightening the penis manually, with the objective of breaking the plaque and improving the curvature.It is recommended to perform this process several times a day to obtain the desired results.

Jelqing Exercises

Jelq exercises or Jelqing exercises are another option to combat the symptoms of Peyronie’s disease. They consist of movements around the base of the penis, sliding towards the head of the penis, using the index finger and thumb.The movement must be firm and painless (so it is advisable to apply a lubricant beforehand to reduce friction) and the exercise must be repeated several times.

However, an intense movement is not recommended because it could aggravate rather than alleviate the symptoms of Peyronie’s disease. That is why this technique is often associated more with penile enlargement than with relieving Peyronie’s disease.

An alternative is Kegel exercises, which, although associated with strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, can help improve control over erectile function, as well as reduce pain and improve the sexual health of the patient.

Traction with devices

If you have doubts about the exercises for Peyronie’s disease that you can perform, the results are very promising if traction devices such as Andropeyronie are used.

Traction therapy is highly recommended by urological specialists, as long as it is performed under the guidance of a professional.

Over time, these devices can help correct penile curvature and reduce scar tissue, as well as improve patients’ sexual function.

What benefits can these exercises have in treating Peyronie’s disease?

Performing exercises for Peyronie’s disease can have very beneficial results for men suffering from this problem:

  • They improve blood circulation to the affected area.
  • They help reduce scar tissue.
  • Promote penile flexibility.
  • They help to reduce pain.
  • They help to improve erectile function.

Therefore, exercises for Peyronie’s disease are highly recommended and can be performed as a combined therapy to improve the patient’s results and quality of life.

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