Andromedical’s penis enlargement treatment has helped more than a million men worldwide. This method is as effective as it is simple to follow, allowing users to obtain visible results without the need to resort to procedures such as penis enlargement surgery.

Discover the best alternative to enlarge your penis without altering your daily life!

With Penis Enlargement, Do I Have to Have Surgery to Achieve Results?

No, it is not essential to undergo penis enlargement surgery to get the results you want. Nowadays there are non-surgical treatments such as Andropenis, a device that allows you to achieve a penis enlargement and thickening of between 1-4 centimeters relatively quickly and painlessly.

This method is recognized worldwide for its safety and efficiency, as it is a viable alternative for those who wish to improve the size of their penis without resorting to surgery. In addition, it is a much more economical and less risky option than traditional surgical procedures for the same purpose.

How is Penis Enlargement Performed?

Penis enlargement with Andropenis is based on the principle of traction. This medical device applies a constant and controlled tension on the penis, which stimulates cell proliferation and tissue growth.

Its regular use, for at least 8 hours a day, which can be consecutive or interrupted, achieves a progressive penis enlargement. If you are looking for a natural penis enlargement, this is undoubtedly your best option.

Products and Exercises for Penis Enlargement

In addition to Andropenis, at Andromedical we offer products such as Andropharma Penis, a supplement designed to support penis growth that can be combined with the use of Andropenis for even better results.

Complementary penis enlargement exercises that can be performed include jelqing, which involves massaging the penis to improve blood circulation, and manual stretches, which help extend the penile tissues.

What Does the Operation to Enlarge a Penis Entail? 

The penis enlargement operation, known as phalloplasty, consists of the release of the suspensory ligament of the penis to increase its length visually. That is, it is not an increase in size as such, it simply simulates an enlargement by relieving the clamping of the member.

Operation and Recovery Time

The recovery from a penis enlargement operation can vary, but usually it is necessary to rest for 4 to 6 weeks before resuming sexual intercourse. 

Compared to the use of the Andropenis device, which requires no recovery time, the surgery is more invasive and involves a significant period of convalescence.

Before and After Penis Enlargement

Andropenis users achieve great improvements in length and self-confidence during the first few months of using the device.

  • Before treatment, many men experience insecurity and low self-esteem.
  • After using Andropenis, however, they notice both a noticeable increase in size and an improvement in their sexual satisfaction and overall well-being.

Undoubtedly, Andropenis penis enlargement results reviews are the best guarantee of quality.

What is the Price of Penis Enlargement and Penis Thickening?

The price of Andropenis varies depending on the model chosen and the additional accessories you decide to purchase – a basic kit can cost less than 200 euros!

What do Women Think About Penis Enlargement?

Nowadays, women are more open to talk about penis enlargement, considering this treatment a valid option to improve their sexual life with their partners. It has become normalized for them to undergo breast enlargement surgeries, so more and more women are supporting their partners in the decision to increase penis size, seeing this as a way to improve intimacy and mutual satisfaction.

Is Penis Size a Psychological Problem?

Yes, penis size can affect a man’s psychological plane, as it can lead to insecurity and low self-esteem. 

Fortunately, this is a problem that has a physical solution with devices like Andropenis, which offers safe and effective penis enlargement that allows men to regain self-confidence and emotional well-being.


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