Medical information for urologists

“The literature in a number of medical disciplines supports the concept of tissue expansion. The preliminary observations presented and published support the efficacy and safety of penile traction devices (such as the Andropenis device from Andromedical, Madrid, Spain), for men with Peyronie’s disease and in post operative penile surgical cases to maintain or gain penile length.”

Dr. Wayne Hellstrom

Urology Professor and Director of Andrology at the University of New Orleans, USA.

“Today, amongst several techniques to enlarge the size of the penis, the most efficient and so far the safest is the technique relying on the principle of traction. The only medical device recognized and certified by the European Union Health Authorities is Andropenis. This device represents one of the most important advances in the medical field if we consider the effectiveness of Andropenis in post-operatory phases of patients who underwent surgery for Peyronie’s disease, or, on the other hand, for those who simply feel uncomfortable about the size of their penis.”

Dr. Ignacio Moncada

Chief of the Urology Unit at the Gregorio Marañon Hospital

“The Andropenis medical extender should be regarded as a minimally invasive and effective treatment option to elongate the penile shaft in patients seeking treatment for penile lengthening.”

Dr. Paolo Gontero

Urologist, Department of Urology, University of Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy. Faculty Member, European School of Urology. Secretary, Italian Research Foundation in Urology L.U.N.A.

Andropenis is a safe and effective way of penile enlargement. It is based on the mechanism of traction. For patients who do not want to undergo any surgical procedure for enlargement, Andropenis is a good option. I have used it in my patients and most patients are happy with it since it’s quite comfortable to use unlike other penis extender devices in the market.

Dr. Chirag Bhandari

Institute of Andrology and Sexual Health, India

American Urological Association

“Three studies reported on the effects of penile traction for 4.5 to 5.0 hours a day and reported curvature improvements (studies done with ANDROPENIS and ANDROPEYRONIE)”

European Association of Urology

“Use penile traction devices and vacuum devices to reduce penile deformity and increase penile length”

Combined therapies with penile traction devices

Urologists and therapists can use our Penis Traction Devices with other therapies (PRP, CCH, etc.) to treat Peyronie’s disease or penis enlargement. Professionals can find more information here.

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